.. selenose documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sat Oct 29 16:20:54 2011. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Selenose ======== Selenose provides a set of `Selenium `_ related plugins/tasks for `nose `_/`django-jenkins `_ developed by `ShiningPanda `_. The use of these plugins/tasks is detailed bellow, but let's have a look on the :ref:`installation process ` first. .. _installation: Installation ------------ On most UNIX-like systems, you’ll probably need to run these commands as root or using ``sudo``. Install selenose using `setuptools `_/`distribute `_: .. code-block:: bash $ easy_install selenose Or `pip `_: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install selenose It can take a while as Selenium server's jar is downloaded on the fly during installation. If you plan to use `django-jenkins `_, note that Django 1.4+ is required (`support for in-browser testing frameworks `_). Nose ---- Selenose provides two `Selenium `_ related plugins for `nose `_: * :ref:`selenium-server-plugin` starts a `Selenium Server `_ before running tests, and stops it at the end of the tests. * :ref:`selenium-driver-plugin` provides a `Selenium Web Driver `_ to the tests. .. _selenium-server-plugin: Selenium Server Plugin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This plugin starts a Selenium Server before running tests, and stops it at the end of the tests. To enable it, add ``--with-selenium-server`` to the nose command line: .. code-block:: bash $ nose --with-selenium-server You can also add the ``with-selenium-server`` option under the ``nosetests`` section of the configuration file (``setup.cfg``, ``~/.noserc`` or ``~/nose.cfg``): .. code-block:: cfg [nosetests] with-selenium-server = true Options for Selenium Server can be found by `downloading its jar `_ and typing: .. code-block:: bash $ java -jar /path/to/seleniumserver/libs/selenium-server-standalone-X.X.X.jar -h Most common options are: * ``-port ``: the port number the Selenium Server should use (default 4444), * ``-log ``: writes lots of debug information out to a log file, * ``-debug``: enable debug mode. To set the server options, add a ``selenium-server`` section to the configuration file (``setup.cfg``, ``~/.noserc`` or ``~/nose.cfg``). Option names are obtained by removing the initial dash, for instance to run: .. code-block:: bash $ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-X.X.X.jar -debug -log selenium-server.log Add the following options to the configuration: .. code-block:: cfg [selenium-server] debug = true log = selenium-server.log In your test, just create a new ``Remote`` Web Driver calling the server and that's it: .. code-block:: python import nose import unittest from selenium import webdriver class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test(self): driver = webdriver.Remote(desired_capabilities=webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX) try: driver.get('http://www.google.com') # Your test here... finally: driver.quit() if __name__ == '__main__': nose.main() .. _selenium-driver-plugin: Selenium Driver Plugin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This plugin provides a Selenium Web Driver to Selenium tests. Flag Selenium tests +++++++++++++++++++ This plugin only provides Web Drivers to Selenium test. To declare a Selenium test: * Either make your test case inherit from ``selenose.cases.SeleniumTestCase``, * Or set a ``enable_selenium_driver`` flag to ``True``: .. code-block:: python class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): enable_selenium_driver = True Enable the plugin +++++++++++++++++ To enable this plugin, add ``--with-selenium-driver`` on the nose command line: .. code-block:: bash $ nose --with-selenium-driver You can also add the ``with-selenium-driver`` option under the ``nosetests`` section to the configuration file (``setup.cfg``, ``~/.noserc`` or ``~/nose.cfg``): .. code-block:: cfg [nosetests] with-selenium-driver = true But enabling it is not enough, a :ref:`web-driver-environment` is also required. .. _web-driver-environment: Web Driver environment ++++++++++++++++++++++ An environment declares all the necessary parameters to create a new Web Driver. To create a new environment ``sample``, add a ``selenium-driver:sample`` section to the configuration file (``setup.cfg``, ``~/.noserc`` or ``~/nose.cfg``) with at least a ``webdriver`` option: .. code-block:: cfg [selenium-driver:sample] webdriver = firefox This ``webdriver`` option defines the Web Driver to use. Here are the available values: * ``chrome`` for `Chrome `_, allowing the following options in configuration: * ``executable_path`` (optional): path to ``chromedriver`` executable, * ``port`` (optional), * ``desired_capabilities`` (optional), * ``firefox`` for `Firefox `_, allowing the following options in configuration: * ``timeout`` (optional), * ``ie`` for `Internet Explorer `_, allowing the following options in configuration: * ``port`` (optional), * ``timeout`` (optional), * ``remote`` to delegate to a Selenium Server (started by :ref:`selenium-server-plugin`?), allowing the following options in configuration: * ``command_executor`` (required): url of the server (```` by default), * ``desired_capabilities`` (required): the desired browser, it could be the lower case field name of ``selenium.webdriver.DesiredCapabilities`` such as ``firefox``, ``htmlunitwithjs``... or a comma separated key/value list such as ``browserName=firefox,platform=ANY``. To enable an environment, add ``--selenium-driver`` on the nose command line: .. code-block:: bash $ nose --with-selenium-driver --selenium-driver=sample You can also add the ``selenium-driver`` option under the ``nosetests`` section to the configuration file (``setup.cfg``, ``~/.noserc`` or ``~/nose.cfg``): .. code-block:: cfg [nosetests] with-selenium-driver = true selenium-driver = sample [selenium-driver:sample] webdriver = firefox Selenose also provides a set of predefined but overridable environments: .. code-block:: cfg [selenium-driver:chrome] webdriver = chrome [selenium-driver:ie] webdriver = ie [selenium-driver:firefox] webdriver = firefox [selenium-driver:remote-htmlunit] webdriver = remote desired_capabilities = htmlunit [selenium-driver:remote-htmlunitwithjs] webdriver = remote desired_capabilities = htmlunitwithjs [selenium-driver:remote-opera] webdriver = remote desired_capabilities = opera [selenium-driver:remote-...] webdriver = remote desired_capabilities = ... Writing tests +++++++++++++ The Web Driver is directly available with ``self.driver`` and there is no need to cleanup after use, selenose will do it for you: .. code-block:: python import nose from selenose.cases import SeleniumTestCase class TestCase(SeleniumTestCase): def test(self): self.driver.get('http://www.google.com') # Your test here... if __name__ == '__main__': nose.main() Combining Server & Driver ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To combine a Selenium Server and a Selenium Driver plugin, just enable them both: the ``command_executor`` option of the ``remote`` Web Driver will know the correct value to reach the Selenium Server. Django Jenkins -------------- Selenose provides two `Selenium `_ related tasks for `django-jenkins `_: * :ref:`selenium-server-task` starts a `Selenium Server `_ before running tests, and stops it at the end of the tests. * :ref:`selenium-driver-task` provides a `Selenium Web Driver `_ to the tests. Note that Django 1.4+ `support for in-browser testing frameworks `_ is required. .. _selenium-server-task: Selenium Server Task ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This task starts a Selenium Server before running tests, and stops it at the end of the tests. To enable it, edit your ``settings.py`` and append ``selenose.tasks.selenium_server`` to ``JENKINS_TASKS``: .. code:: python JENKINS_TASKS = [ # Other tasks... 'selenose.tasks.selenium_server', ] If this setting does not exist yet, do not forget to create it with the default tasks: .. code:: python JENKINS_TASKS = [ 'django_jenkins.tasks.run_pylint', 'django_jenkins.tasks.with_coverage', 'django_jenkins.tasks.django_tests', 'selenose.tasks.selenium_server', ] Options for Selenium Server are the same than for the nose :ref:`selenium-server-plugin`. Set them in a ``setup.cfg`` located in the current working directory, for instance: .. code-block:: cfg [selenium-server] debug = true log = selenium-server.log You can also specify the path to the configuration file with the ``--selenose-config`` option on the ``manage.py jenkins`` command line: .. code:: bash $ python manage.py jenkins --help [...] selenose.tasks.selenium_server: --selenose-config=SELENOSE_CONFIGS Load selenose configuration from config file(s). May be specified multiple times; in that case, all config files will be loaded and combined. In your tests, just create a new ``Remote`` Web Driver calling the server and that's it: .. code-block:: python from django.test import LiveServerTestCase from selenium import webdriver class TestCase(LiveServerTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.driver = webdriver.Remote(desired_capabilities=webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX) super(BaseTestCase, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(BaseTestCase, cls).tearDownClass() cls.driver.quit() def test(self): driver.get(self.live_server_url) .. _selenium-driver-task: Selenium Driver Task ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This task provides a Selenium Web Driver to Selenium tests. To enable it, edit your ``settings.py`` and append ``selenose.tasks.selenium_driver`` to ``JENKINS_TASKS``: .. code:: python JENKINS_TASKS = [ # Other tasks... 'selenose.tasks.selenium_server', ] If this setting does not exist yet, do not forget to create it with the default tasks: .. code:: python JENKINS_TASKS = [ 'django_jenkins.tasks.run_pylint', 'django_jenkins.tasks.with_coverage', 'django_jenkins.tasks.django_tests', 'selenose.tasks.selenium_driver', ] But enabling this task is not enough, a :ref:`web-driver-environment` is also required. The :ref:`web-driver-environment` are defined in a ``setup.cfg`` located in the current working directory, for instance: .. code-block:: cfg [selenium-driver:sample] webdriver = firefox You can also specify the path to the configuration file containing the environments with the ``--selenose-config`` option on the ``manage.py jenkins`` command line: .. code:: bash $ python manage.py jenkins --help [...] selenose.tasks.selenium_driver: --selenose-config=SELENOSE_CONFIGS Load selenose configuration from config file(s). May be specified multiple times; in that case, all config files will be loaded and combined. --selenium-driver=SELENIUM_DRIVER Enable the provided environment. To enable an environment, use the ``--selenium-driver`` option on the ``manage.py jenkins`` command line: .. code:: bash $ python manage.py jenkins --selenium-driver=sample Then the Web Driver is directly available in you tests with ``self.driver`` and there is no need to cleanup after use, selenose will do it for you: .. code-block:: python from selenose.cases import LiveServerTestCase class TestCase(LiveServerTestCase): def test(self): self.driver.get(self.live_server_url) # Your test here... Combining Server & Driver ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To combine a Selenium Server and a Selenium Driver task, just enable them both in the settings: the ``command_executor`` option of the ``remote`` Web Driver will know the correct value to reach the Selenium Server. .. code:: python JENKINS_TASKS = [ # Other tasks... 'selenose.tasks.selenium_server', 'selenose.tasks.selenium_driver', ] Tips ---- When writing tests, it's convenient to start a Selenium Server manually to reduce setup time when running tests. To do so, execute: .. code-block:: bash $ selenium-server Starting... done! Quit the server with CONTROL-C. Then type ``CONTROL-C`` or ``CTRL-BREAK`` to stop the server. In this case, run your tests neither with the :ref:`selenium-server-plugin` not with the :ref:`selenium-server-task`.